Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

3-6 year olds

Level 1

Children in this plane of development are trying to figure out who they are. The image of the Good Shepherd is presented to them so that they come to see themselves as the beloved sheep who the Shepherd knows, loves, and calls by name.

Register for Monday morning (9:45-11:45am)

Register for Wednesday afternoon session

6-9 year olds

Level 2

For the Level II child, the focus is on Jesus as the True Vine. Children at this age are entering a social plane of development and beginning to see themselves as part of a larger community. The image of the True Vine helps them see Jesus as the source of not only their life, but of the lives of those around them.

The Monday morning (9:45-11:45) session is full

9-12 year olds

Level 3

At this level, the children delve further into the meaning of community and life and they spend a lot of time learning about Salvation History and coming to understand their part in God’s big plan.

At this time we do not yet have a Level III atrium, but 9-12yos are invited to do a 1 hour intro-to-the-catechism study on Monday mornings using the video series from

Register for 9-12yo faith formation on Monday mornings (9:45-10:45am)